The Buzz Bar Canteen

The P&C manages the Canteen and as such, we need parent support to operate this vital service for the community.

The Canteen needs volunteers to run effectively and if you have some time to spare, even if it is only a few hours, our Canteen Manager would love to hear from you.  You can contact the canteen by emailing the P&C, dropping a note in at the School Office or by visiting our Canteen Manager at the Buzz Bar.  If you cannot volunteer, then please support our canteen service by ordering lunches. Order bags and canteen menus are available at the canteen or you can order online.  When everybody contributes, everybody wins!

The P&C manages the Canteen which provides a healthy, affordable lunch and snack options for students & teachers.  The Canteen is open on Wednesday to Friday and you can order online at