School Chaplain

Tammara McKeown

Our School Chaplain works with the Student Services Team to provide pastoral care support to students and families.  She is available to offer support in personal, relationship or spiritual matters.  Appointments can be made through the School Office.

Tammara McKeown


Monday, Wednesday, Thursday​

  • YouthCARE chaplains care for the social, emotional, mental, and spiritual wellbeing of students, families, and staff in state school communities throughout Western Australia. Our chaplains are available to listen compassionately, refer to extra help where necessary and run programs which not only address issues but create positive cultures within schools.​

  • Support the emotional well-being of students and families in the school.​

  • Run programs that support inclusivity and emotional health, as well as the Community Links program to support connections with the community.​

  • Students can request access to the school chaplain by talking to their class teacher and the teacher completing a SST referral. No walk in students. ​

  • In extreme situations teachers can request Tammara’s support by contacting the HWB Deputy Principal.