Code of Conduct

Code of Conduct

Bannister Creek Primary School aims at helping each student develop a sense of self-worth, pursuit of high standards and self-management skills. Trust, mutual respect, and dignity are key aspects to promoting a positive, safe, and supportive learning environment where values and virtues are integral to our school culture.

Our school community believes that:

  • All members of the school community have the right to feel safe and secure in the school environment.
  • Students have the right to learn, and teachers have the right to teach without disruptions from others.


RIGHTS - Students have the right to:

  • Learn in a purposeful and supportive environment.
  • Work and play in a safe, secure, friendly, and clean environment.
  • Be treated with respect, courtesy, and honesty.
  • Be heard.


RESPONSIBILITIES - Students have the responsibility to:

  • Ensure their behaviour is not disruptive to the learning of others.
  • Ensure that the school environment is kept neat, tidy, and secure.
  • Ensure that they are punctual, polite, and prepared.
  • Display a positive manner.
  • Behave in a way that protects the safety and wellbeing of others.
  • Communicate issues and concerns to parents and teachers.
  • Value and respect the whole school community.
  • Follow school rules.
  • Accept consequences for their actions.




RIGHTS - Staff have the right to:

  • Be treated with respect, courtesy, and honesty.
  • Teach in a safe, secure, and clean environment.
  • Teach in a purposeful and non-disruptive environment.
  • Receive cooperation and support from parents.


RESPONSIBILITIES - Staff have the responsibility to:

  • Model respectful, courteous, and honest behaviour.
  • Ensure that the school environment is kept neat, tidy, and secure.
  • Establish positive relationships with students.
  • Ensure good organisation and planning.
  • Report student progress to parents and students.
  • Implement the school behaviour management plan.
  • Know the school rules and incentive programs and show consistency when enforcing them.




RIGHTS - Parents have the right to:

  • Be treated with respect, courtesy, and honesty.
  • Be informed of course and curriculum material, behaviour management procedures and decisions affecting their child’s education, health, and welfare.
  • Be informed of their child’s progress.
  • Access a meaningful and adequate education for their child.
  • Be heard in an appropriate forum on matters related to the rights of their child’s education.


RESPONSIBILITIES - Parents have the responsibility to:

  • Model respectful, courteous, and honest behaviour.
  • Ensure that their child attends school and is punctual.
  • Ensure that their child’s health and welfare is at an optimum for learning.
  • Ensure that their child has the materials to participate in all learning activities.
  • Support the school in the education of their child.
  • Value and respect other members of the school community.