
The Bannister Creek Primary School Canteen (the BC Buzz Bar) is operated by the Bannister Creek Primary School P&C.

The Canteen is not only supported by the School P&C members but by some dedicated part-time staff and volunteers who ensure its successful operation Wednesday to Friday.

The P&C are always on the hunt for new volunteers so that we can share the load and ensure a great service to the teachers and students. Usually just a few hours every now and again is all that is required. No experience or qualifications are necessary, just a willingness to help. Please email if you would like to assist or want more information about our school canteen.

Our menu is updated regularly, and we try to have as many fresh home-made items available as possible to make sure our children have a healthy lunch every day. Also recess and lunch orders can be placed for children in kindy and pre-primary and they'll be delivered to their class. To view our current menu and place orders please download the Spriggy Schools app and create an account. Orders can be placed up to a week in advance via the Spriggy Schools app, but please note that 9:00am is the cut-off time for same day orders. We also accept orders over the counter at the canteen window each morning from 8:15am. 

Healthy Eating

The BC Buzz Bar follows the “Traffic Light” healthy eating programme.

RED Foods – Deemed unhealthy. These types of food do not appear on our menu.

AMBER Foods – Available in limited and quantity-controlled amounts.

GREEN Foods – Encouraged eating and available at all times.

For more details about the Traffic Light system and help with healthy eating for packed lunches and meals at home please see

Spriggy Schools




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